So what do you guys think about this coronavirus? When I first heard about it, I was like “well this is going to be either really good or really bad publicity for Corona beer.” I’ve heard that Corona beer is urging the powers that be to call it by the abbreviation, COVID-19. So apparently, it’s not so great for them.
When I heard you’re quarantined for two weeks, I decided to look on YouTube about the conditions. I found one out in California and it looked to be a hotel. The only difference is the entire perimeter now has a fence and they said there are U.S. Marshalls guarding the property to ensure folks don’t go stir crazy and leave. But they have planned activities, snacks everywhere and can even walk around outside. That’s when I had an idea and sent the following text to my nurse friend:
If there are any busy, working, moms or dads out there, you can totally understand my rationale:
- 2-weeks of alone time
- No work
- Someone makes your food
- Someone is ALWAYS cleaning up after you to keep things sterile
I know my logic is a bit dark but what am I missing here peoples? I once wrote a piece of why prison doesn’t sound all that bad either. And for future moms and dads out there, I don’t want to discourage you from having children, because kids are pretty amazing. I just want you to understand, this is the length we go to for alone time: a deadly virus or prison.
So if any of you reading this are currently suffering from the coronavirus, please send me your used tissue because I’m down for a two-week vacation.
My worry with that is if you are quarantined for 2 weeks, your family might be as well, in the same place as you.
I heard one story about a mother with her 3 year old child coming back from China being quarantined and that is honestly the stuff of nightmares
Jesus…I didn’t even think about that. That’s on par with essentially being snowed in. Man! My dreams of a vaca are crushed! 🙂
I know sorry, maybe you might get lucky and they dont quarantine the children?
I totally get what you are saying. I was in rehab for 4 weeks and it honestly felt like a vacation. A break from life. I actually felt guilty about it towards the end. America really needs an attitude adjustment. Two weeks vacation is standard and (if your like me) it is usually used for family matters not vacation. Europe’s standard is 5 weeks vaca. I worked with someone based in Canada. 6 weeks there too. He was always saying “I will be out next week…going to Thailand”. I am looking at moving to Canada. Now I am in a mood… 🙁
We really do need an adjustment about vaca. I’m sure I’ll get in trouble with the SJW’S for making light of the ‘rona but I really don’t care.
I think most of us are over ‘rona. I mean its serious but our lives can’t revolve around.
The fact that some places like my puppy’s vet still require masks is ludicrous. Is the labrador going to give it to someone? No, I don’t think so. You know there are a few folks out there that would never admit it but wish that we could wear masks ALL THE TIME!