Last year one night I was becoming increasingly frustrated that my boys did not find my Elf on the Shelf efforts good enough.
“Why didn’t Zipper move last night?”
“Why does Zipper only stay in the living room?”
Jesus! This wasn’t what was supposed to happen, we were to move it to a stationary area and that was that. No props, no notes, no scavenger hunts.
Out of anger I staged the following scenes. Again, if you are offended please look away now. Also to note, I’ve never used drugs in my life and never intend to. Just thought the one scene was pretty ironic and what you get after about 3 glasses of Cabernet.
The Elf at Studio 54. It’s just sugar all! The dollar is real though.
“There can only be one favorite stuffed animal in this house and you aren’t it!”
Zipper, we’ve called you hear because we love you and want to see you get better. Put down the pills….
So tomorrow I will post images of what my sons see. I can assure you they have never seen any of these pics. Good night!
That is a bad ass elf?
I’m so glad we never started with this stupid thing!
Too funny!
Bwahahaha!! These are brilliant!
I helped my rainbows (like mini girl guides) make elfs to go on their shelves. I find the whole concept really creepy. Is it meant to get kids used to the idea of CCTV and the fact that they are always under surveillance?
hehehe I see a new group being formed… E.S.A. (Elf on a Shelf Anonymous)
Elf on the Shelf is a thing of evil, and I will never have one in my house.
That said, yours has been the first ever acceptable use of the monstrosity, and it’s how I know we can be friends.
Very funny! We love our elf Liam. However, it does get annoying when some other kids elf gets up to amazing antics and I get asked – again,
“Why is Liam so boring?”