Holy shit balls, another award? Not going to lie, things like this totally make my day. Like just found out my middle school bully is 300 lbs. overweight, living in a trailer kind of day. I want to thank the wonderful blogger: BEXoxoBlog. Please check her out. She’s not only adorable but her posts are thought provoking and well written. Her posts are deep and honest.
The Rules
- Write a post to show your award.
- Give a brief story of how your blog started.
- Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
- Thank whoever nominated you, and provide a link to their blog.
- Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to them.
So I need to go through the rules I guess ;). #4 check. #1 check (I’m drinking wine so I’m not doing this in order, ok?).
Rule #3- 2 pieces of advice
- Being anonymous is truly liberating. Except for a few bloggers I have become friends with along with 4-5 people I know who have promised to keep my secret, I am anonymous. It’s a beautiful thing as I can swear as much as I want, bitch about whatever I want and cover any topic in the world that might offend family and friends. I can also talk about said family and friends. I know they say it hampers your blog growth but I’m ok with taking the long way. Essentially, I don’t have to be who everyone thinks I am, I can be me.
- Enjoy it. If you don’t love it, don’t do it. Folks will know if you aren’t passionate. I have liked several blogs that I thought were interesting only to be let down because they gave up.
Rule #2- Give a brief story on how you started your blog
Again, I’ve had a few glasses (4) hence rules are out of line. My friend recommended I started a blog because of my unpublished books….to gain a following. I about fell off my chair in his recommendation.
‘I’m sorry, is this 2005?’
Sorry guys, seriously I didn’t think people blogged anymore. I honestly thought blogging had been replaced with Facebook. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I didn’t realize how awesome it was. I eventually broke down in December and began blogging to deal with the worst job on Earth coupled with I couldn’t take my anti-depressants because of my tamoxifen for my diagnosis of atypical ductal hyperplasia.
Rule #5- Select 15 blogs
Well this is fantastic. I’m at the end of my bottle of wine and I still need to add 15 blog links. These guys are too awesome for me to screw this up. This is a duty….and it’s a big duty. If your link takes people to NickJr. I am really sorry. Below are the WONDERFUL, AWESOME blogs I read!!!
It’s Good To Be Crazy Sometimes
I Just Have To Say
You are super sweet! Thank you for the nomination 🙂
You deserve it girl!!
Aww. Adorable! I like that. 🙂 And thanks for the kind words. Great advice btw.