A List Of Things That Make My Life Easier

Look, you may be Amish reading my posts and I’m ok with that. Half of what I’m about to recommend isn’t available to you and that’s ok….because your Amish. It’s cool, I respect that. Below are some helpful Hot Mess hacks that have helped me over the past few years. Try them out and tell me what you think!

  1. Pzizz app: I am a type A who claims “I could never take a nap”. That was until I found the Pzizz app. Essentially the Pzizz app has 2 settings: Sleep and Power Nap. Power nap can be set to as little as 10 minutes. Additionally what I learned is you don’t have to literally fall asleep to take a power nap. A power nap can just be you closing your eyes and pushing all bad thoughts (laundry, bills, taxes, life in general) out of your mind. I thought to take a nap you had to fall asleep. Apparently, no. I used the Pzizz app as recently as 2 days ago. I literally fell asleep and a few minutes later I awoke abruptly doing what I had promised P I wouldn’t do- fall asleep during his game. I still had 30 minutes till his soccer game. Look, I don’t care if these ass holes are hypnotizing me, regardless I am getting some much needed rest! Try it for a day and tell me what you think!
  2. Starbucks.com app- Holy shit balls this app is amazing! I literally place my order at a red light then 13 minutes later I breeze past the soccer moms and project managers in their Kohl’s khakis and swoop up my bacon gouda and grand vanillla latte. They’ve come to know me and even have a venti water ready for me too. I can’t say enough about this app and how much time it saves!!!
  3. Gianteagle.com: This is almost too good to be true. Your first 1 to 3 orders are free. I haven’t checked it recently but when I was attempting to get a prescription filled at Giant Eagle today, it showed the first one free. At worst, it’s like $5.95. So basically you grocery shop…..from your bed! Then you roll up, call a number and someone places the groceries IN YOUR CAR! Are you kidding me? It’s like a dream come true. I normally shop at Krogers and currently they are testing it but until then when I am busy, I will use the shop at home option!
  4. Linen Breeze- I am going to hell for this one. C brought his nap stuff home EVERY WEEK. I’m like, “really? every week?” Honestly, there is no need to bring his pillow and blanket home EVERY WEEK! To counter this, I sprayed Fabreeze (could be another brand) on it Sunday nights. Smelled fresher than a load of towels, freshly laundered! Folded it up, boom!
  5. Foot scraper- When I interned with Ralph Lauren in 2000 in NYC, I would get a manicure and pedicure for $20 total on the lower East side- EVERY WEEK! This whole weekly manicure/pedicure was foreign to me, a mid-western but regardless, I partook. I was grossed out every weekend as women brought their own foot scraper in. As I turned my head to the walls to see a 2″ cockroach climb up just to avoid their scrapers, it never dawned on me that I would be purchasing my own scraper a decade or two later at CVS. Essentially ladies it removes the thick, callus skin from our feet. What pisses me off however is that they have been making the blades more and more weaker. I want to take a 7 oz. sirloin off my feet, instead I get adorable little flakes.

So that is my brief list. What have I not heard of? What makes your life easier that I can start using? Tell me now!!!

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