How Not to Win a Writing Contest- My Son’s Essay on Sportsmanship


We’ve kinda slacked off with checking my son’s folder each night. After his last report card coming back with a few B’s, we knew it was no more Mr. Nice Guy. So the other night I cleaned out his folder and noticed this paper where he totally aced it with a 10 out of 10.

‘What was this all about? A writing essay?’ I couldn’t wait to see what he wrote to garner 100%. Then I read the first sentence. OH.MY.GOD. Here is the page and in case you can’t read his hieroglyphics, I’ve written it directly below the picture. Read the prize as well as the topic first then his “response”.

sportsmanshipTo me, sportsmanship doesn’t mean that much to me. I am really competitive and don’t like to lose at all. In fact, I can’t stand it. Sportsmanship means to be nice and say “good game” after every game. Yeah, I do that but I don’t really like to, especially when I lose. Overall, I’m not really a good sport and sportsmanship doesn’t mean that much to me.

Needless to say, he didn’t win the prize. I’d like to think he received a 10 out of 10 for his honesty? And to be honest, I posted it on Facebook because I gotta say, I love this so much. I love this because this is so him, it’s such a typical 11-year-old and it makes me laugh. Don’t get me wrong, we try to instill good sportsmanship and will continue to do so but I take this for what it is. And that is, he’s an 11-year-old boy who doesn’t have the maturity yet to be a good sport. He’ll get there, he’s just certainly not there yet.


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