As a reminder, I LOVE IKEA but after spending last night flipping through the catalog, I chuckled more and more as I saw the pictures. Some, well many are pretty ridiculous so it was my duty, nay, my obligation to add caption to them. A few are inappropriate so if you are easily offended, walk away now. I warned you.
Has anyone actually brought home a full size fish, cleaned it and ate it? If you have I want to know. My love of fish only extends to fish sticks and that’s pushing it!
Can I interest you in a game of dungeons and dragons pretty lady?
- Hey ya’ll! Party can begin! Hipster with his man bun in da’ hause!!!!
- Dear God, can man bun just GO AWAY!!!
Baw-ha-ha…no darling….this is my Andy Warhol in a dress look! I’M INSANE!
I’m going to need a minute for this one. What the fuck is she doing and why is in an Ikea catalog? I’ve never done drugs but if I did do them, my guess is that this woman would be involved?
“Yeah, so I picked up this modeling gig after GTMO…..”
Does this type of child exist? Don’t answer this if you have one, I hate you.
No, no and NO. At no point will I EVER put a bunk bed in the living room. This isn’t space camp.
When I saw this picture all I could think of was that quote from So I Married An Axe Murderer: “I’m not kidding, that boy’s head is like sputnik.” If you haven’t seen it, PLEASE go rent it!
One of my all time favorite movies. “It’s quite pointy in parts.” Also, “Head! Pants! Now!”
SO FREAKIN’ FUNNY. I would say that to this day when I make myself a latte and I see my gigantic cappuccino mug, I say in my head I believe I ordered a large cappuccino…