Need Your Help On Snapchat!


Oh Snapchat. I need some Snapchat support right now. My son begs me on a weekly basis to allow him to get Snapchat. I have yet to get Snapchat and pretty much never will. When I saw the ridiculous pictures that Snapchat makes of adults, it was game over.

Questions I have about a 12-year-old getting Snapchat

  • Is there any good to it?
  • How long do conversations last? Can I access them?
  • What are the negative ways kids are using Snapchat?
  • What else can you tell me about this sinister app?

I’m leaning on the side of not letting him get the app but if you guys can persuade me there is more good than harm, I’m willing to listen. Also if anyone works on the Snapchat support team, please feel free to answer!



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