Bad Moms


I believe the movie Bad Moms is out in theaters now and honestly, I really don’t need to watch it for ideas. I mean, I will be going to see it and hope it’s funnier than the first but again, I don’t need tips. As I mentioned yesterday, I had a Pure Romance party Friday night and it was magical. I laughed till I almost cried a few times.

For those of you that don’t know, a Pure Romance party is when a sales consultant comes into your home and shows you the latest in personal care (a.k.a. vibrators and dildos). In my mind, alcohol and food is a must along with attendees that don’t blush at the word c-ring.

As NG ubered over, she decided to take advantage of a Christmas present bestowed upon her last year, a bracelet flask. She said the Uber driver probably wondered why she was drinking her bracelet. You can bet your pink booties I’ll be asking for one this year or buying it myself.

Nikki FlaskBracelet Flask










As we got started we already had a few drinks under our belts. After our consultant B brought out the “sexy spreader” we all turned into 10-year-olds. I asked to try it and had this amazing picture taken of me. Obviously I’ve found this year’s Christmas card.

Me Behaving BadlyAfter coming out of the downward dog position, NG decided to test out the whips for sale. I just laid there giggling non-stop, telling her to stop it through the giggles and tears.

Nikki Whip

Towards the end, B taught us a hand gesture that is only known amongst the ladies that use Pure Romance. I’m sure I got that totally wrong because at this point, I was 3 sheets to the wind. You sign a V but not like a creepy V like you do with your hands and Star Trek. She said she’ll occasionally flash the gang sign in the grocery store when she she’s current customers. I flashed the V and said, “WORD”. When it came time for a picture, I flipped my hand upside down and decided the bird would be more appropriate.

V to your mother

Happy Sunday everyone!






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