12 Days Till Girls Weekend


I’ve been invited to a girls weekend and I have no idea what to expect. I’m excited, don’t get me wrong! I’ve seen Facebook pics and it really looks like a weekend long bachelorette party.

NC invited me and the other 3 moms I’ve spoken about a few times, last year at this drunk fest. Her sister has a 2nd home about 2 hours South. There is a pond for swimming and hiking and all sorts of outdoor activities. Essentially, everything I have 0 experience with. I’ve spoken about my snake phobia on more than one occasion and I’m scared I will run into one of those little ass holes. To avoid any snake confrontation, I plan on doing (or not) the following:

  • I will not be walking and/or hiking through anything.
  • I will not be swimming in a pond.
  • If the cabin is the only safe, non-snake area, I will be spending all my time in the cabin and I’m o.k. with that.
  • I will not be running through fields.

The News

Then NC dropped the biggest bomb on me this evening…..

There’s no cell service, no wifi.

Come again? 

I stood there for a minute trying to wrap my head around this. And at this moment, I still don’t understand. She said if I wanted to use my phone I would have to take a 4-wheeler up a hill as that is the only place it would work. I had visions of holding my laptop on my lap while riding the 4-wheeler up the hill just to blog, respond to comments, read blogs and post on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. But if that’s what it takes……

My next step? I don’t have the address yet so I googled SPRINT COVERAGE MAP and typed in the area I think I’m going to.

“There’s a lot of orange,” I said to myself. “I totally have coverage….I think.” As long as my phone works I’m good because I can use my phone as a Hot Spot.

I’ve never in the past 15 years been in a predicament where I can’t access the internet for spans more than 4 hours at a time and the thought of this makes me feel like I’m jumping off a cliff, alone. I  never realized how addicted I am to blogging and social media till I was told I would be going 48 hours without any of it.

Move #2? And I shit you not…..here was my next thought:

‘Maybe they make wifi enabled RV’s. I could get a wifi enabled RV and just haul it up there.’

But then I would be the ass hole, staying in an RV away from the main house because I’m some weirdo introvert. Suddenly everyone would look at my friend like, “why the fuck did you bring her?”

Look ladies and gents….all I’m saying is I’m having more traffic right now then I’ve had ever! I don’t want to stop the traffic with  48 hours of not posting or sharing shit on social media.

What do you guys think? Do I need an intervention from blogging/social media? I mean, it’s only almost midnight and I have to get up in 7 hours and I plan on blogging in 6 hours so it’s not like I have a problem or anything. BLOGGING! BLOGGING! ME LOVES BLOGGING!




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