With Love, Meghan- A Netflix Series that Blows!

With Love, Meghan Netflix

I don’t follow the royals. I do love a good royal wedding and I’m a sucker for their ridiculous hats but I’m not a followerer. I think Prince William and Princess Kate are adorable (well, at least until he lost his hair, Rogaine my dude) and I think Harry and Meghan need a Costco size portion of humble pie…or reality, whichever you can get there. 

Because I don’t want to become addicted to Tiktok, I set an Alexa timer for 5 minutes, a few times a day, to take a break and scroll. I’d say every other video was someone making fun of Netflix’s latest show With Love, Meghan. At first I resisted the temptation of tuning in. I never like to follow dumb things (that’s why you’ll never see me with a hipsack around my chest; it’s dumb) but I figured I would watch the first episode because of the funny videos that were giving me such joy. 

With Love, Meghan- The Plot

I remember seeing pictures of Meghan and Harry’s California home. It essentially looked like a West Coast Versailles. To say it’s grand is an understatement. So I was surprised to see their new house was a white washed, adorable cottage, surrounded by lush greens and flowers. Only it’s not their house. Like a porn, they rented it to produce the show. Nothing like cookies made from a rental! 

The plot is she pretends to be a domestic goddess and that you’ll follow her. I don’t know how else to say it. That’s all it is. She has “friends” on, so far being her makeup artist and Mindy Kaling that she met on her “podcast” 3 years ago. So far, 2 episodes and both met at work. While you can form AMAZING work friends, to be your first 2 episodes is just sad. 

Meghan’s Kids’ Swag Bags

For any mother out there, ya’ll know what kids like in their goodie bags: tons of sugary candy and dumb trinkets from the Dollar Tree. Give them shit like that, wrapped up in a cellophane baggie, and it’s like you gave a baggie of crack to a druggie. 

Not Meghan. She gives “sweet” kiddie swag bags. They consist of a bag of pea seeds, a biodegradable pot, miniature gardening equipment and a stick of honey. I’m sorry but unless your parents are hippies, living in a commune, this isn’t going to fly for 99% of American children. So lemme get this straight…you want to ask these children to not only plant something, but something they’ll reject eating? Were you a POW growing up? This is on par with someone saying licorice is a “treat”. 

The Guests on With Love, Meghan

As I mentioned earlier, the “guests” are a former makeup artist and Mindy Kaling. Both seem equally uncomfortable at the rental. They have the same ease you would have at a wedding where you’re stuck at a table with 2 other couples you’ve never met in your lives. You’re polite but you’re not braiding each other’s hair next week. 

I noticed with Mindy Kaling that her arms are crossed while communicating with Meghan. It doesn’t take a body language expert to understand what that means. If I’m with my friends, the only thing that’s being crossed are boundaries and appropriate behavior. Hell, I make a mental 

note not to cross my arms with strangers as I know it’s a rather unwelcoming gesture. 

Everything’s Contrived on Netflix’s With Love, Meghan

I don’t know what Meghan is going for with her clothes. She’s wearing monochromatic outfits (for the straight dudes reading this, that means, her entire outfit is pretty much the same color or close). Firstly, I’m not going to wear white pants while frying up bacon. We all know the grease goes everywhere (protip: cook it in your oven, so much easier). Then she’s wearing a long sleeve sweater thrown over her shoulders, as if she’s going to a Nantucket Country Club. I’m confident she dressed to blend into her kitchen…sorry…the rental kitchen. I wonder if she got this place off an air bnb. 

Her fridge is beautifully curated. You can only notice this for a second but I did. It’s as if a food artist went in and spaced everything perfectly. Normal fridges, there’s Taco Bell sauce all crusty in the door. A box of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda sits in the corner from 2014. Half drank water bottles, family promised to finish off. The inside contents of her fridge is from a bygone era that never existed.  

I haven’t gotten through even the second episode but this shit’s a disaster. She needs to lay low and maybe audition for some parts and not try to be anything other than a sub par actress. That’s not a wrong thing, it is what it is. 

One Last Comment on With Love, Meghan

No one, no one ever will knock Martha Stewart, the OG domestic goddess, off her thrown. To try is to be stupid. She’s been to prison, hangs out with Snoop Dogg and has had a million lines of home goods EVERYWHERE. She invented the tag line, “it’s a good thing” and in 2023 posed for Sports Illustrated Swim suit edition (she’s 83). So in my humble opinion, Meghan, ya got a long way to go. 😉

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