A few days ago I wrote about the debacle that was my son’s soccer games. The attached link will walk you through the hot mess: Soccer...
Tag: humor
This is Roger. Roger is a 125 year old cowboy. Roger has lived his whole life in North Dakota up until he was forced to...
I never thought of myself as a soccer mom. I don’t drive a minivan, car pool or find happiness sitting in torrential down pours watching...
Today was my son’s birthday and we celebrated it at Laser Tag. In between being chattered to death right now, I’ll tell you how it...
My sons were elated to receive this gift from their Aunt and Nuncle (we say Nuncle since they aren’t married but have been together for...
My owner has fallen off the wagon. It’s the worst it’s ever been. I was awoken today to find a young boy comparing his height...
Ok, we need to have a serious discussion about man buns. The bun in general is usually awful to begin with but then put it...
Last week I went through the drive through at Starbucks. I have been part of their frequent coffee whatever program since 2010 and was cashing...
In addition to trying to figure out how the hell to get all my followers back and how annoying this whole process of changing over...
So hopefully you guys see this post. As of yesterday morning my switch from wordpress.com to wordpress.org made me loose EVERY SINGLE FOLLOWER. Devastated, I...