Lies My Mother Told Me…

I wouldn’t call my mother a pathelogical lier. I’d like to think she has an active imagination. Truth be told, I think the things she said was her way of coping with a well to do lifestyle that wasn’t as high in social rank as she would have wanted.

As a child you trust your parents are being honest with you with the exception of a few white lies to get you into the dentist seat or for vaccinations. Problems happen when your white lies involve royalty and famous people and/or famous places. Having grown up and realizing how outlandish her claims were, I can now laugh at them.

Full disclosure, I have no proof that any of the below are false. But like the look I gave my oldest today when he thought I was going to drop $70 on a sweatshirt, I tilt my head to the side and with a pessimistic tone asking, “come on?!”

  • The Johnsons have met Bill Clinton. They said he’s really arrogant.
  • Regarding a family friend: Franco is known as Count Franco in Italy.
  • We are a little psychic, especially your grandma.
  • We are getting a Porsche next Spring.
  • Your grandparents had the opportunity to buy the property Disneyland is currently on.
  • Your uncle had his hand on the button, about to bomb Cuba in the 50’s.
  • Your uncle was so poor once, him and his family were so poor they were digging in the trash for food.

Yes, this is the type of crazy I was working with growing up? Pretty sure all fiction. Did your parents tell you lies? What were they? How bad were they?


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