Epic Fail? No Bitches*….Epically Awesome Award!

Epically Awesome Award

No one is calling anyone the B-word*. It’s a term of endearment for all of you I’m getting to know. Promise! When I went for a title, this was the first thing that popped in my head. Yes I know, I do need to speak with a licensed professional.

This award made my day and a HUGE thank you to Chatty Kerry for the nomination. This is even after ruining the Divergent series ending for her through a post from this morning. Please go to Kerry’s blog immediately, follow her, sign up with all forms of social media and love her! 🙂

So below are some questions I have to answer in order to keep my nomination. Like the last nomination I will ask it again: Will there be an evening gown competition? I need to go to David’s Bridal if that is the case.

1. You are awesome; tell us why.
Have you seen my gravatar? After asking my cousin (who is more of a hot mess than me) what image to use for my gravatar, she managed to get it right the first time with a Chinese Crested dog. Honestly, I didn’t even know “Chinese Crested” was a dog. I thought Chinese Crested was a food. Well….maybe it is in some parts of the world….who knows.

2. You are my friend; tell us about other friends.
I have different groups of friends. I have my sister and 2 cousins that know the real me. Whether it’s me calling Cousin #1 while stumbling around China Town during a business trip possibly drunk, Cousin #2 with the perfect gravatar or my sister who dealt with everything I dealt with while growing up; they know the most. I have my best friend I met almost 20 years ago, the gals in the hood (ok, let’s be real here…it’s the burbs) and now the new friendships I am starting to have with awesome bloggers.

3. Be creative, but it’s ok if you are having trouble with this one/ There are no direct questions to answer; let yourself run wild!

How is it I’m drawing a complete blank? I thought maybe if I start writing something will come. Oh wow, something is coming to me and it’s really stupid. I’m sorry. Just let it run it’s course. COPS. I just watched COPS with my son and have a few thoughts:

  • Why does the criminal think that if they claim something is “not theirs” the cops will be satisfied and no further testing will be conducted.
  • Do all criminals on COPS call each other the night before to plan their outfits? TWINSIES! The uniform, without fail consists of the following:
    • no shirt or white tank
    • cargo shorts
    • flip flops, knock off high tops or no shoes at all
  • I would love to know the stats of how many of the “runners” have actually gotten away.
  • When I sit down with my son to watch COPS, I pray that the inevitable cross dressing hooker episode doesn’t run.
  • Did every one of these criminals sign off to Fox/COPS for their image to be shown? If I’m busted with drugs while soliciting a hooker, I’m guessing this would put a damper on relationships as well as future employment.

4. Now notify your nominees and thank the blogger who nominated you.
Thank you again to Kerry at Postcards From Kerry. You are awesome and I am honored for this!

My awesome nominees are below. Like Charlie Sheen and alcohol, I have a high tolerance when it comes to comedy and these broads make me laugh….a lot! 

The Shameful Sheep

No Love for Fatties


Rachel Being Chatty



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