This Is Not Meant to Be Mean…..I’m Just Sayin’

As an effort to understand a little bit more about the presidential candidates, I began this morning to research each one of them. I really didn’t get that far thanks to my ADD and the below picture. I don’t want this to sound mean but when I first saw this picture, the first thought that came to my mind was that cliché image that you see in horror movies of two twins, dressed identical, standing stoically at the end of a hallway.

Not only are these girls dressed in the same dress but they even have that cliche gaze. What’s worse, these dresses must have been purchased in a Woolworths in 1955. Clearly they are not twins, unless in the womb 1 twin took all the food thus stunting sis’s growth.

Compare the above with this image from a Sprint spoof commercial on horror movies:

At least his wife chose a smart pant suit for the event.

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