House Hunters and Entertaining



How much entertaining do these people do on House Hunters? I want to know. This post is for the WordPress Daily Prompt and couldn’t be more perfect about the annoying people on House Hunters and the things they complain about or find vitally important to their shelter.

This room would be perfect for entertaining.

We need a large kitchen because we love to entertain.

There isn’t a space for entertaining. 

It’s gotten so bad that I’ve made a drinking game out of it. You drink whenever someone says entertain. I mean, you could have House Hunters Amish Edition or House Hunters Meth House and you would still hear Farmer Miller state they need a place for reading the bible….and to cook the meth. I always thought they needed a Trailer House Hunters. How funny would that be? There would be a pit bull chained to one of them while the second lacked plumbing and the last one? Well that one had a built on car port. But I digress.

And I don’t even like entertaining. You have to clean your house, buy food, cook food, decide on the activities and lastly, you have to clean yourself up. Too much work! Before I got married and would register for the wedding, it was all about entertaining. The registry consultant would hand you glossy brochures showing beautiful young couples around a perfectly set table. A few guests were raising their long stem wine glasses while a few guys had their new beer mugs. Everyone’s laughing and simply having the best time of their lives, all because they are entertaining.

You want to know what my entertaining looks like? This is it, in a complete nutshell:

“You can come over but my house is dirty and I haven’t showered.”

Boom! Now how many of you have said something along those lines to a friend or relative? And I know many of you have because that’s the warning I get when I go over to a friend’s house. It’s a mutual understanding that as long as you provide wine, your attempts at entertaining is adequate enough.

What do you guys think? Do you seriously (don’t lie) love to entertain or are you as annoyed as I am with the entertainers of house hunters?



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