So I have officially named my party that I am going to have in a few weeks to celebrate the quitting of my job. Drum...
Category: Ridiculousness
A good chunk of my blog posts are what I deem ridiculousness. I don’t even know if ridiculousness is a word but it’s my word so I’m using it. I feel like much of my life falls into the ridiculousness range thus this category holds the most posts.
It never ceases to amaze me the type of individuals a fair and/or fireworks brings out. It’s like they saved up all their camel cash...
When I first started blogging, everything I read was “find your niche” or “don’t write about everything or you’ll never gain the right audience”. I...
Have you ever wondered if you’re a really good dancer? I know, me too. I have a theory that we dance based on the decade...
Oh my God you guys, it’s like I have a signature lotion…and it’s called HOT MESS! I was on Twitter, not drunk posting on Tim McGraw’s...
Umm…..Amanda you pretty much nailed it! Enjoy the read peoples! -HM Last week, I traveled to South Carolina to spend a few days at the beach...
Is that our driveway? Silly! No, my husband failed to put Chichi back in the house. She used this opportunity to work on her tan….in...
I have come to learn and accept something unfortunate about the interview process. No matter how far I get, completely encouraged that I have won...
As I posted earlier this week, my favorite restaurant on Earth that I have spent the last 27 birthdays at, closes their doors in 2...
Perhaps this is me just being cheap but there are 3 things that frustrate me beyond belief that not only is there a membership fee...