Category: Family
I have a family, you probably have a family. It’s only fitting to have a family category. Since many posts are fueled by the silly that occurs in my home, I place family posts in this category.
As my 7 year old and I walked down the stairs a few minutes ago he announced, “I like that song If I could turn...
Uhhhh…. Which one doesn’t belong with the other…it happens living with only boys…
I knew leaving for four days on business would yield a hot mess house upon my return. If the below text wasn’t an omen, I...
O.k, before you start thinking I’m a cougar or a puma (a puma is a cougar in training in case you didn’t know) this isn’t...
The grilled cheese I attempted to cook yesterday. One wasn’t bad while the other looked like The Mask.
Let me preface this by saying I am not a good cook and this will NOT be a cooking blog. My credentials as a crappy...
In what reality did I think taking my sons and one of their friends to the museum was a good idea? Oh I know, it was...
As I mentioned in my last post, my oldest is a full-blown hypochondriac. Often times I am trying to find a constructive, thoughtful way to convey...
My boyfriend decided a few months ago to get a desk job as a Financial Advisor. He is a ridiculously talented Artist yet it’s hard...