The List That Was Hacked

Sander Delegates Hacked

Earlier today I found out my Christian turned Muslim cousin had once again received notoriety in the world. Anytime I hear of a local Muslim woman making the news, I hold my breath till I confirm it’s not her. At the end of the day I love her and worry like any cousin would.

A few days ago, this happened: Unity Meetings. If you don’t care to read the article, essentially Hillary Clinton’s team not only researched Bernie Sander delegates/supporters but made a spreadsheet of key Sander supporters. My cousin was on that list. She shared cells with the likes of Jesse Jackson and Spike Lee. The frustrating thing about it is for many of the private citizens (my cousin included), their phone numbers and e-mails are now available to the world.

When she alerted us of this development, I was skeptical.

‘Oh, it’s not Wikileaks, can’t be valid,’ I thought.

Apparently Wikileaks has a little brother and his name is DCLeaks. They are not affiliated with each other as far as I know. I read about them briefly and from my understanding, it’s operated by a Russian organization and one thing they do is hacks e-mails to expose governments. This could be completely off but I had lost my focus and that is where I stopped researching. Sorry guys!

Regarding the spreadsheet, I found it’s setup somewhat simpleminded. The column labels included titles such as: “Interesting Factoid” and “Sanders Support Level” with the options of Easy/Moderate/Difficult. I’m sorry, was the election a craft project?

One of the column labels was Biography. My cousin’s biography was really involved, stating: Muslim Hugged an anti-Muslim protester outside her mosque. That was it. Case closed.

I’m sure this happens with every election and as technology improves and social media grows, the level of detail will only increase. Who knows? Maybe next election you may find a picture of yourself in a spreadsheet with the interesting factoid “likes wine”.


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