In my mid-twenties I had a job that I LOVED working for E. Corporate. E. is a clothing store for women in their twenties. At...
If you want a game that tears families apart, play Monopoly. It will make siblings not talk to each other for days and children angry...
So as some of you may or may not have seen, I put a challenge on my blog yesterday to guess what this was: I...
I am putting the finishing touches on a post for tomorrow. You really won’t want to miss it. Until then, can you guess what this...
Anytime anyone wants to accuse Americans of being uncultured, brash or closed minded, I simply hold up my McDonald’s shamrock shake and say “you’re welcome.”
I have no idea why I am obsessed with tiny houses. I flippin’ love tiny houses. I don’t know if it’s the ingenuity of the...
Without fail, I get an e-mail like this for whichever company I am working for: As soon as I get this e-mail, I instinctively put...
As many of you may or may not know, I am certain my car drove over an ancient Indian burial ground at some point over...
I wanted to share with you all a lovely quote I just read. It’s a quote I hope that justifies my past year: Stars cannot...
I can’t even remember how the topic was brought up, but I think it was with Ben’s Bitter Blog. This past weekend at my nightmare...