As an American I am in love with Chipotle. Chipotle is like America’s little darling and for lunch yesterday I wanted one of her 5...
I continue to have real problems with functionalities I had FOR FREE at Now, for the life of me what I can’t figure out...
As some of you may know we were in Cincinnati for soccer tournaments #3. Last week I was declared “da’ boss” by my husband and...
I never understood unconditional love till my children. I would never die for someone until my children. Sure, I write sarcastic posts about being a...
As a special salute to all the moms on Mother’s Day, I would love to share with you the 2nd half of our soccer debacle...
Today we have a soccer tournament in Cincinnati which is 2 hours away and P, my oldest needed to be there at 11:35. I demanded...
Oh my goodness. I found a robin’s egg while walking Chi-Chi on Wednesday. Yesterday I came home to a robin’s egg in a plastic cup...
My son brought home his adorable journal for the month of April. I always enjoy reading his entries because they are sweet and innocent….. “I...
After I posted Worst Games On Earth I took a stroll through Word Press Reader to see what my friends were up to. On Bens Bitter Blog, Nerf...
Has anyone figured out the exact percentage of time we need to spend with our children so they don’t become murderers and what percentage of...