I’ve been one of millions fallen prey to curiosity and Pokemon GO. Since my son couldn’t get it to download on his phone, I agreed...
As I was going through one of my vendor books today, I came across this image. I am baffled that this was not only approved...
Unless your parents were complete hippies, do you not remember the joy of pulling up to the McDonald’s menu for your mother to talk over...
I have been meaning to clean my purse out for days. I am selfishly writing this post in the hopes that other women will say...
So I have officially named my party that I am going to have in a few weeks to celebrate the quitting of my job. Drum...
It never ceases to amaze me the type of individuals a fair and/or fireworks brings out. It’s like they saved up all their camel cash...
When I first started blogging, everything I read was “find your niche” or “don’t write about everything or you’ll never gain the right audience”. I...
Have you ever wondered if you’re a really good dancer? I know, me too. I have a theory that we dance based on the decade...
Oh my God you guys, it’s like I have a signature lotion…and it’s called HOT MESS! I was on Twitter, not drunk posting on Tim McGraw’s...
I have a knack for having a few glasses of wine, trolling Facebook and giving celebrities a piece of my mind. So not to my...