In my mid 20’s I worked for Express as a New Store Coordinator, opening stores all around America. I was also considered the Grim Reaper...
I took my oldest P to middle school and probably broke 2-4 codes of conduct of a middle school parent. They didn’t seem like faux...
Well, election day has passed and obviously we were all a little shocked at the results. As I look up to the t.v. and see...
I am reblogging this in case you want a quick tutorial (with my take) on the popular vote versus the electoral vote so you don’t...
I sit here tonight with a thick chocolate ring around my mouth. My youngest C, just went to bed after watching the worst remake to...
As my 7/11 year old become older (no, I didn’t birth a convenience store), their adorable lil’ chick or lil’ midget Yoda look, is being...
I just threw my new health insurance booklet across the room. Just hurled it. Our insurance is set to kick in 5 days from now....
My title pretty much says it all. Over the weekend we traveled with 9 sets of parents to an out of town tournament 1.5 hours...
So I found a new show that I’m liking right now: Younger and it’s on TVLand. It’s about a 41 year old woman who divorces...
I am a jilted lover as I am secretly mourning my Note 5. I have ALWAYS had a Samsung phone and been in love with...