I have no idea how to fucking review a movie. I don’t know if there is an art or science to it. All I know...
This post is about as pointless as the post from yesterday but piggy backs on it. It will drive home the fact that I have...
I pull up to the Starbucks drive thru. “Hey, sorry but this is going to be a long order as I am feeding a small...
Let me say I am HUGE, HUGE fan of 50 Shades of Grey- all 3 books. Because of my long commute I have audible.com which...
One night after one too many, I thought to myself, ‘Hot Mess, it’s time to buy your domain. You need to buy hotmess.com.’ I had...
Like the mafia, every time I say I’m not going to write anything more about politics, I’m brought back in. So much so, I’ve thought...
I did it! The mammogram is over and I have 6 months to get unreasonably worked up again before the next one! For first time...
And I’m scared as shit. I’ve had one before my lumpectomy in 2015 but my fears are getting the best of me. I don’t want...
Like no one telling me the first few months of a newborn’s life is on par with torture techniques, I was fed the line of...
Just when I was getting a little worried I wouldn’t be able to find the right ass hole to write about, Madonna comes out of...