……I’m stuck at a waterpark and suddenly it’s cool for a 12 year old to ride water rides with his mother. I’m expected downstairs in...
As you may or may not have read, my family and I had a Skype interview last night with a Producer of the Gordon Ramsay...
Sooo….my family and I had our Skype interview tonight to be on the Gordon Ramsay show and it went REALLY well. It ended with her...
This isn’t a long post, just an observation I’ve made about hardware stores. Home Depot or Lowe’s don’t count as they never have enough people...
I was in middle school in the 80’s. They still had spanking, teacher smoke breaks and teachers who would yell at you till you were...
2 things to update you guys on….. Gordy If you haven’t heard yet, my family is interviewing to be on some sort of Gordon Ramsay...
My oldest turns 12 next week. In January he went with his BFF to Kalahari Water Park to celebrate his birthday. Upon return, P exclaimed...
If you haven’t read it yet and you want the back story of how I got myself into this debacle, read here: My Call From The...
Ok, so I really lucked out to work at a place that is on par with my sense of humor. Now that a co-worker has...
Hello hot messes! How are you? I’m on glass #1, sitting by the fireplace in a red velvet jacket smoking a pipe. JK, I’m in...