I pride myself on being able to find out anything about anyone with limited information. I don’t know where this came from, I don’t think...
When I was 12, my mother graduated from nursing school. She had gone to the technical college near our home for the past 2 years....
I spent 3 hours this evening at Children’s Hospital Urgent Care because my son got a mild concussion. You can read about what happened here: Soccer...
So I went to Kentucky for both sons’ soccer tournaments this weekend. It’s called the Javanon Tournament and held in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. Each son had...
When I first came across the Cricut machine at Jo Ann’s I blew it off as some contraption only used by women obsessed with scrap...
I’ve always dreamed of going to the Kentucky Derby but doing it right with a beautiful hat and being in a VIP suite to watch...
As I posted Saturday night, I was caught red-handed or egg-handed by my 8-year-old. I successfully crushed his dreams in a matter of minutes when...
The title explains it all. It happened 50 minutes ago and I feel like the biggest ass hole on Earth. There are no words to...
Let’s get down to brass tacks ladies and gents. I am fallin’ behind with soccer mom paraphernalia. The other moms on my sons’ teams have...
I appreciate the arts about as much as I appreciate the decor of my physicians waiting room. I was commuting from work last night and...