As I sit at my kitchen table this evening, I’m feeling nostalgic about all the things we’ve gone through on this blog, Facebook and Twitter....
Since my previous post about turning the tables on a scammer, I have had several more scammers stupidly attempt to swindle me. The only people...
I don’t like to post about my day too often because I know you guys don’t give 2 shits about it and I’m ok with...
I am obsessed with a new show on the Nat Geo channel called Year Million. I’m not afraid to admit I am a complete nerd...
These Craig’s List Con Artists had me checking my spam, purely for shits and giggles. Sure enough, several were awaiting my review. All came in...
My son wants to earn enough money for a desktop computer which is roughly $300-$400. Good luck, I barely make enough to feed you guys...
My oldest wants to make money, nah…he wants to do nothing and make money. He’s really starting to piss me off too. Here is the...
I am so excited to bring this to you guys I can barely stand it. Yesterday morning I placed my son’s bunk bed on Craig’s...
When I play cards, I always envision the World Whatever Poker Tournament in Vegas, on ESPN at 2 am. Players have sunglasses on and usually...
About 5 years ago when I was laid off, I took it upon myself to sew things and sell it on Etsy to make ends meet....