So apparently the movie It was released a few weeks ago. I am just learning about it as I apparently live under a rock. My...
My friend and soul blogger No Love For Fatties, recently discussed her first job as a server (go check her out!) and it got me...
Ok, I was bored and had miscellaneous things to tell you so I thought, ‘why not a vlog?’ So that’s exactly what I did. No...
Facebook will bite you in the ass. Why? Because people love, love, love to brag on Facebook. “Look what my honey got me for my...
Ok, so I have a God awful commute every day to work. Going isn’t so bad, it’s the coming home which is a sweet 50...
As I wonder what I would write about, I wondered no more as a notice popped up on my laptop that Toys R Us is...
I promise you guys this, this will be the last time I mention a diet. This isn’t a fitness/health blog. I just find some funny...
All aboard the Hot Mess train!! Choo-choo….we’re pullin’ out of the station! Hop aboard!!!! I have a few things to tell you guys so we...
When is the point where you aren’t just saying you are dieting but actually begin to eat healthy and exercise? I’m talking about that moment...
I know I have several readers from all over the world and I want to know, do your schools send kids out, selling for fund-raisers?...