Despite technology allowing us to stay more connected to our children’s school, I am lagging behind. For those of you with grown children or for...
So when my work emails us and says there are free suite tickets for the OSU basketball game, I jump at it. Not because I...
After my good friend NC sent a screen shot of someone ridiculous, selling something ridiculous on our town Facebook selling wall, I knew immediately I...
ODOT- Ohio Department of Transportation I’ve absolutely had it with my commute. 31 miles should not take 45-65 minutes every single day. Sometimes there isn’t...
Because I’m a spaz and overly excited for Black Friday, I have begun to think about what to ask for, for Christmas. Don’t get me...
As a child, I would dream every night. When I couldn’t sleep, I would day-dream till I fell asleep, creating little movies in my head....
I believe the movie Bad Moms is out in theaters now and honestly, I really don’t need to watch it for ideas. I mean, I will...
So folks, I had a Pure Romance party last night and it did not disappoint in providing laughs and an oppourtunity to drink way too...
Chichi enjoys torturing me by staring at my face until I pick her up and place her on the sofa, only to jump back down...
We are home after a grueling 4.5 hour drive from outside of Detroit to Columbus. Normally it should have taken 3.5 hours but thanks to...