On Thursday, my son gave a presentation called Explorer of the Week and parents were allowed to attend. Basically each week, one child is assigned...
I have a few obsessions in this world and when I get going on them, I can’t stop thinking about them, writing about them, pinning...
I’ve watched half of Bad Moms 1 until I was bored out of my skull and fell asleep. ‘No need to revisit this disaster again,’...
I love that the WordPress prompt is tardy because it’s something that baffles me almost every week. How can someone have 8 Kids and make...
Last night I frowned at my 999+ emails in my yahoo in box because apparently Yahoo gets lazy and refuses to count after the 999th...
The beauty of having your own blog and not being tied down to a niche, is being able to talk about anything and everything, including...
This evening, my husband turned his Ipad so I could read the following. I about fell off the bed in laughter as it was beyond...
My Typical Grocery Shopping Routine I make sure I always go grocery shopping on Sundays with a full stomach and lots of energy. Before going,...
I’m in a show funk right now. How is it in the 90’s there would be like 25 episodes in one season and now your...
I want to line up all owners of over-sized, pick-up trucks that drive like maniacs on unplowed streets and slap each of their faces. Once...