My sons and I were watching tiny houses last night and I burst out laughing as I usually do on a weekly basis. They looked...
Yep, that title pretty much sums it up. I exercised tonight and it sucked. I would like to think today is the first day of...
Ah the restaurant. Where bread is broke amongst friends and memories are made. It’s that special place where first dates take place and lovers are...
Dear Airlines, I am sitting here in my pajamas, typing this letter to you. My bed is calling but alas, I cannot answer. Why? Because...
I’ve never been to a class on negotiating nor read a book about Compromise, I don’t even know if I’m good at it. I do...
As many of you know, my husband and I are kid free till tomorrow night. Our wild shenanigans have involved watching tv on the sofa,...
There, I said it, I hate the olympics. Like sushi, I’ve tried to like it, even attempt to watch a few events but I just...
My in-laws bought plane tickets for my sons to visit them in Florida. They live down there for the first 2.5 months of the year....
For each holiday, there are a few commercials that are played no matter how old they are. For instance, there are alway 2 commercials that...
Well folks it’s time to have a little fun. I loved posting the first Facebook Selling Wall and vowed to do another. Vow complete! I...