If there is one thing the Midwest is known for, it’s for the topsy turvy weather. Take the past 48 hours for example. When I...
Well folks, it’s almost here. Yours truly goes to Hollywood in just 6 days. Really it’s only 5 days because we have to get up...
Well folks I didn’t do an April Fools this year. Why? Because my sons are expecting it and if they are expecting it, it’s not...
Despite growing up in the restaurant business, I’ve never enjoyed cooking. Cooking to me is a chore, plain and simple. When I hear people on...
As many of you know I joined Weight Watchers and I promise this isn’t going to turn into a diet blog. I’d slit my wrists...
As you may or may not have read, I joined Weight Watchers a few nights ago and today I started eating like I’m on a...
When I drink, I would like to say I become braver, a bit bolder. Sometimes when I see a problem, I immediately swoop into action,...
Just 6 months ago, my company moved into a beautiful, expertly decorated office building. Though the commute is longer and blows beyond belief, the design...
I like wine, red wine to be exact. After finding a great article in Forbes magazine that slapped a seal of approval on Black Box...
When I was growing up, we would get a bat in our house annually each summer. Someway, some how, these ass holes always showed up...