We had new neighbors move in caddy corner from us about 2 months ago. I’ve been an ass hole because I haven’t taken the time...
Plain and simple. I want a she-shed. Now that Chi-chi has passed (God rest her soul), I am the only female in this house. I...
In my ongoing learning of how to vlog, I decided to vlog about selling on Facebook Marketplace! The video is around 8 minutes so sit...
Ok, obviously I don’t think my children are ass holes. I love them more than life itself. If anything, I use ass holes as a...
I discovered something recently I’d like to share with all of you. Up until my confession to my husband a few weeks ago, I have...
This post was inspired by my friend Em Inkles and her new Facebook group: Pickled Blog Project. This is an amazing group of caring, supportive...
Normally I don’t talk about my job but sometimes there are stories that need to be told or what kind of blogger am I? It’s...
Oh my God, this has been a process, not gonna lie. But I’m not a quitter and I finally figured everything out. I have reviewed...
So my blogging BFF/lil’ sis, asked if she could guest post on my blog. Umm….of course! Is that even a question? It’s especially amazing because...
When I walk into a Best Buy and one of the techy nerds is rattling off how many megabytes or gigabytes a computer has, here...