I know…I know….I’m a real ass hole for suggesting a Monday to be “great”. Usually, I’d rate Monday’s between soul-sucking, all the way up to...
After a horrible flood a few years back, we are finally remodeling our basement again. Back in July, we bought a sofa from Ikea but...
To say I’m athletic is to say that the John Legend and Chrissy Teigen holiday special was magical. Both are a lie and it’s ok...
When my good friend NC sent the following to me yesterday….. I knew it was about that time of the year to profess my utter...
I’m sure this post is going to go over well for hopeful twenty and thirty-somethings who dream of their fairytale wedding. Perhaps that’s why my...
In the fall, my co-worker told me about the ibotta app. Like most app recommendations, I never take it seriously. I’ll even download the app...
Do you know there’s an actual website that counts the deaths and injuries that occur on Black Friday? Since 2006, they’ve given an overall total...
Who invents prayers? I don’t mean the “please God, let last year be the last year I must hide the Elf on the Shelf” or...
It’s no secret, I’m always looking for the fountain of youth. Actually a fountain of youth under fifty bucks. So that budget essentially rules out...
Ladies and gents I have an announcement to make. In about a week, I will officially launch a store section on my blog. Something I...