I grocery shop either on Saturday or Sunday. When we are gone for long weekends because of soccer, I use a service offered by our...
Merry Christmas everyone! I’ve finally taken a break from my sweatshop to do what I love most and that is to write. I haven’t done...
About a month ago, I showed up at work with this little nugget of a wine glass: No…I didn’t bring wine to work, I just...
So how’s everyone’s Christmas shopping doing? I’m 90% done but as of this morning, I was only at 75%. Thank God for Amazon Prime, am...
I don’t care if I sound like an old curmudgeon but we need to talk about the state of rap music. I wouldn’t even call...
Is it just me or does every fuckin’ think go wrong or break at Christmas? Perhaps you’re a lucky one and December leaves you with...
About every Mother’s day (that’s Sunday, May 12th gentlemen. Don’t worry, you didn’t miss calling your mom), Mr. Coffee decides it’s a good time to...
Seasonal Affective Disorder (or SAD) is a bitch; not gonna lie. I have depression already but then throw on an extra layer of SAD and...
As you know I’m on a diet but I absolutely love to eat. You should eat to live not live to eat! Pulleezee……..I live to...
My Christmas list last year worked out pretty well with the exception of my sister finding my blog (love you!) and using my Christmas list...