I did it! I’ve finally taken the plunge and started a podcast! Be patient though because it’s a work in progress and sounds pretty rough....
In my twenties while working for LBrands (they own Victoria Secret) I would only buy Victoria Secret lingerie and underwear. I had a hefty 40%...
I’ve always wanted to take an IQ test. For years, I’ve wavered between either feeling like I’m pretty smart to a complete dumb ass. I...
I don’t know why but I had an epiphany just now and thought I’d write about it. It’s about the “how to’s” of this world,...
As I signed all my lovely co-workers names on Grumpy Cat Valentines, I had an idea. Why not make my own adult valentine cards that...
Just before Christmas, we finished our basement that had flooded 3 years earlier. Sure, we’ll probably have life-long asthma problems thanks to the black mold...
I got cocky with my weight loss and fell off the wagon. Well, I wouldn’t say “fall off the wagon” per se, more of a...
I hope I have a bunch of parents read this and I want comments but I’m pissed off and disgusted and I’m going to tell...
I think I found a way to use the WordPress reader even though I’m self-hosted. It will take an extra 10-15 minutes more each time...
Starting in January, the internet, social media and magazines are flooded with “the perfect” Valentines gift. Like the holidays, you’re bombarded with perfume, flowers and...