I’m currently rocking back and forth in fetal position sucking my thumb. My children, especially the oldest, has chattered me to death. Even now he...
As my 7 year old and I walked down the stairs a few minutes ago he announced, “I like that song If I could turn...
Uhhhh…. Which one doesn’t belong with the other…it happens living with only boys…
Thank the baby Jesus this week is over and it’s the weekend. Not enough wine in the world to handle work in my opinion. Below...
You just need to stop being an asshole. I’ve been told to grow a thicker skin all my life and it just dawned on me,...
So this is the second half of my garage sale chapter in one of my books. Feel free to read the first section here:Garage Sale...
What a shitty day at work. I won’t go into why but I will be having wine later, lots of wine and intend to write and post...
I don’t understand how the English language became so fucked up in the work place. In my early twenties I marveled on how well-spoken these...
I knew leaving for four days on business would yield a hot mess house upon my return. If the below text wasn’t an omen, I...