Ok, for anyone new to my blog you have to understand how much I love pranking my children on April Fools Day. I go to great lengths to make it happen. I use props, actors and possible live animals. It’s 2 days before the big day and I feel like an ass hole because I am not happy with my current sub par plan. I’ll tell you about it in a little bit.
If I could have kept my big mouth shut, here was the original plan: April Fools-Operation Bag Lady. I found it so funny that I came clean to my boys because I wanted to share my happiness with them. I’m pissed at myself now
I won’t go into great detail here as it’s a chapter in my book but last year we booked a night at Embassy Suites over April Fools just for shits and giggles. I love Embassy Suites since they offer unlimited drinks between 5 and 7 PM. You really can’t argue with a set up like that. Not to mention a full breakfast which means unlimited strips of bacon. Ahh, bacon….but I digress.
Pretty Tutus for pretty girls
Meet Anna, Tinkerbell and Bethany
Hello Kitty hand wash, a file and hair elastics. What more could a girl ask for?
I mean….does it get any girlier than this?
At least none of them have their hair all jacked up. On average I would say 1 out of every 5 Barbies end up with a bowl cut.
While my husband took the boys to get candy for our overnight, I busied myself with planting the following paraphernalia in our room:
Upon my son’s return, I told them our room had been given away but there was 1 “package” room left and I took it. The package room was accompanied with the following folder:
The letter read as such
When they walked in I had the Frozen song on repeat playing over and over again. Before they had arrived I had the entire Embassy Suites staff touring the room like the White House taking pictures and vowing to post them on the company’s website.
So do you see my dilemma here peoples? I am in a war against myself. Thinking I would plan this shit out a whole lot sooner than 2 days before April Fools, I need to out do myself from last year. This is my crisis.
“Just Google pranks,” my husband said thinking this would solve the whole thing.
I am open to all ideas so I took his advice. Here just a few of the sub par/non winner ideas the internet has provided:
So here are the parameters of April Fools Day 2016:
Must cost less than $40
One April Fool’s joke I’ve seen online is to mix a bag of Skittles and a bag of M&M’s in a candy bowl. That would certainly be a funny combination of textures and flavors to surprise someone with. Plus it’s cheap and harmless. 🙂
Yes and it’s a lot better than the following suggestion from a co-worker who just wasn’t “getting” the part about the prank could not disappoint the boys. She suggested more than once to announce to them, “that our dog died.” When I told her this was not a viable solution she then announced that that was the prank her older sister played on her as a child. I then told her I am not Lucifer and I love my children.
Oops, I didn’t mean to publish my reply as anonymous. This is Charlotte from http://girlygeekgirl.com. 🙂
I wish I had an idea for you, but I’m not a big prankster. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with though 🙂
Also, I saw your reply to another comment and I’m glad you set a limit on cruel jokes, like telling them their dog died. That’s super unfunny.
I guess I didn’t realize how socially awkward this individual was until she was serious about the dog thing. I may have to skip this year. Might be even better as they will expect another unprankful April Fools in 2017 then BAM, their world is turned upside down. OMG…just thought of the other “idea” this chick had. She suggested a fake lotto card so my sons would think they won the lottery. Again….we don’t want disappointment.