Tweener movies and shows are THE WORST. I’m not going to beat around the bush here, THEY SUCK! I’m talking about such classics as: Lab...
Category: Family
I have a family, you probably have a family. It’s only fitting to have a family category. Since many posts are fueled by the silly that occurs in my home, I place family posts in this category.
Here is a chapter out of my book I thought I would share with you guys. I was inspired by my son who took 1...
I am over the moon about this post! I FINALLY convinced my son to finish this post because I thought it was HILARIOUS. He had...
I am over the moon about this post! I can’t even take it peoples! I have watched this video no less than 15 times and...
I have waited for this all my year! On Wednesday, Ikea Columbus opened just 31 miles away from my home. Gone are the days of...
I hate to cook sooo much. Cooking to me is a chore, on par with cleaning the toilets. I’ve tried to change my mind about...
Well clench my pearls, my wonderful friend A informed me I never posted about a wine tasting we attended earlier this year. Why haven’t I...
First let me say, I love my sister S so much. She’s 8 years younger than me though she’ll still seem cute to me, even...
When it’s time to clean the house you would think I asked my family to build an addition on to the home. Suddenly the boys...
I can barely move my legs; they hurt so bad. This is somewhat of a wake up call that I need to A. continue my...