Like you, I am absolutely disgusted with what’s happening in Ukraine. Thanks to an absolute mad man, innocent people are dying, many in unspeakable ways....
Author: hotmessmemoir
I gotta be honest, I’m kinda killin’ it during the quarantine. Don’t get me wrong, a part of me wants to order a red cape...
This is officially the longest I’ve gone without blogging, 15 days. This is for 2 reasons: I’ve decided to do a blogging break about every...
Couldn’t help myself, I needed to show you guys this picture that was actually in a CVS bathroom. I felt it set the mood for...
This is what I envisioned in my head when I turned the final page of my beloved Target ad and found 10% off beef jerky....
I have to thank blogger: Half Baked in Paradise for reminding me of the section in a 1950’s home economic book (below) meant for young girls to...
Well here I am again at another birthday party my sons were invited to. I’m down with this one though. Why? IT’S LASER TAG! Have you...
No one is calling anyone the B-word*. It’s a term of endearment for all of you I’m getting to know. Promise! When I went for...
So occasionally on every other night, I will have a few glasses of wine. After 2 I begin to get brave and e-mail/post a bit...
Again I can’t thank this AWESOME Blogger, NoLoveForFatties for nominating me for this challenge/award. THANK YOU! Below are the rules should my nominees chose to participate...