3 Day Quote Challenge-Day 2

Again I can’t thank this AWESOME Blogger, NoLoveForFatties for nominating me for this challenge/award. THANK YOU!

Below are the rules should my nominees chose to participate (and I totally get it if you are too busy and don’t want to).

  1. Thank the person that nominated you.
  2. Post 1 to 3 quotes a day.
  3. Nominate 3 bloggers/friends a day.

And now in no order, my nominees for tonight are……..

  1. Postcards from Kerry She has great stories! Checkout her travel log! It will make you jealous!
  2. The Pop Culture Rainman Love her smart take on the entertainment world. Hell, there is even an article on a man braid. I’m intrigued.
  3. Lady Dickson Need a laugh? Please go here ASAP.

Crap, I almost forgot my quote(s). The 1st quote is inspired by my father. Growing up we had an Italian restaurant and this quote was in the front of the menu. It was kind of like an old school “about us” page, pre-internet.


“Like a fine wine, may you become better with age.” And I’m sorry I have no idea who wrote that quote. There just seems to be thousands of variations.



Here is a quote I made. I use it ALL THE TIME. Allow me to explain. You know how if you are avoiding someone at all costs then you are tasked with a project with this person? Or how you plan your wedding on a day that has never seen rain but then it decides your wedding day will be the first time it will rain on that particular day? This is what the quote is for.

“If Irony had a job, it would be a comedian.”

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