15 Ways You Know You’re a Blogger


I think after nearly 3 years of blogging, I can call myself a blogger. If there’s a hazing of some sort, could someone let me know where and when so I can get it over with and claim my bloggership? Anyway, I thought it would be fun to list all the stuff I now do and don’t do, thanks to blogging. Do you see yourself in any of these?

  1. You forgo exercise to write (All…The….Time).
  2. You look at your stats all the time. I mean, you wake up with stats, you go to bed with stats, you check stats on the toilet. Well at least I’ve heard some people check on the toilet, I would never do something like that. Ahem…..
  3. Your Facebook friend ratio is beginning to lean more towards all the bloggers you are friends with around the world versus people you’ve actually met in person.
  4. You have a blogging BFF (hi T!). You may even exchange texts.
  5. You’re constantly looking for inspiration for posts. Hey, could that sweet-n-low packet be a topic?
  6. Despite always looking for inspiration, your worried sick it will never come and all the ideas will run out.
  7. You’ve accepted that despite telling friends and family about your blog, they are the least likely to read it. I was told by a more seasoned blogger that this is completely normal. In fact, she told me that if you don’t want friends and family to read your blog, tell them you have one.
  8. Social media gives you headaches in the aspect that you fret over where to post consistently.
  9. Like the social media, you question if Mix, Google+ and Flipping is even worth it.
  10. You wonder how to make decent money with this damn blog someday.
  11. You question if you should self-host.
  12. You question if you should go back to not self-hosting.
  13. The best part of your day is when someone compliments how much they enjoy reading your blog.
  14. You’ve blogged for enough time now to know there are peaks and valleys with readers.
  15. Your constantly Googling things like Your and You’re or Course and Coarse because the last thing you want to do is misuse a bunch of words.

I think I could go on and on but I know you guys have some things to add. Fill in this sentence: You know you’re a blogger when _______________.





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